About Precision Sports

How It Started…

I want to thank you for taking the time to visit Precision Sports’ site. I also want to thank those who have either purchased a hoop from us or allowed us the opportunity to provide any of our services to them. The trust and support that is shown by allowing us to do what we do best is greatly appreciated by the entire Precision Sports team!

Precision Sports started and continues to be a locally owned business. It began in February 2004 as Sports Equipment Services. While going to school and working at a local sporting goods store, I completed my first job working out of a 2-door Ford Explorer with my tools in hand. It didn’t seem like much at the time, but it was a huge step for what would eventually become Precision Sports. With the success of that one job, I was graciously allowed by the store to provide delivery and install services to their customers.

After 5 years of running this as a side business, I knew I had to decide my future. So, in 2009 Precision Sports Services, LLC was born.

We have been very fortunate to earn the trust of some very important local companies that allow us to provide their customers with many of our services.

Of course, we could not continue without the hard-working techs we employ. A service-based business is not always easy and there are so many opportunities for all of us to learn from, but we have built a solid crew with some very hard-working individuals, that I believe to be some of the best in the business.


Ryan Hubert
